So I wanted to build a Bionicle that was also a rock raider build. So this is what came out of it.
(click the image for more pictures)
So back story for this build is I wanted to build a RockRaider Bionicle. Also I wondered what a Glatorian who collected stuff would look like given the chance to be in Metru nui.
However story for the character is he is a Glatorian who was always one for collecting junk and when Makuta died he eventually ended up collecting all kinds of junk from the old Matoran Universe such as a lot of rakshi armor, a kanoka disk, zamor spheres (which he has since modified his thornax launcher to use), a powerless kakama, and really any other piece of “junk” he could find.
Half of the items he has he forgets he has as there is just to much of it for him to keep track of which leads him to constantly loss stuff and get new stuff. He also in time started collecting information from people and has become a person you go to to get information. However you either need a lot of widgets of pieces of junk he find valuable to his needs.
Stinkin’ love this thing. It all works. I really love the color scheme, ascetic, bulk, personality, and almost everything else about the MOC. Wish we got more creative ideas like this more often.
OKay I will have to admit the amount of teal might be to much. I’m not really sure the Rock Raider sets weren’t the most consistent. Such as their base which had a lot more while others not so much. Probably doesn’t help most of it is all in one location on the build.
I’ve got most of the Rock Raiders sets and they’re all almost entirely dark and light gray with brown, yellow, and teal being accent colors. I remember Cyberslam having almost entirely teal vehicles though.
I have some of them and have always been a fan of them. I tried to get the amount of colour right but again it’s easier said than done. I do think brown he could use a little more of. I do have plans to fix that.