Bionicle Shadows: Primary Beings biology

Hey everyone! This topic involves information on Primary Beings abilities, particularly concerning Creation Particles.

Primary Beings came to be soon after the Original Merge that created the Primary Dimension. Their natural life force is Creation Particles, but more often than not, a Primary Being lives off of raw energy produced by Creation Particles. The reason for this is that, when Primary Beings first came to be, they had no way to stop their Creation Particles from producing energy and eventually die out. As a result, the first Primary Beings would use as many of their Creation Particles to form raw energy (which could be stored). Eventually, Primary Beings did come up with a way to stop Creation Particles from dying. The evolved Primary Being can put as many of its Creation Particles into a form of stasis, meaning that they are no longer producing anything, yet they are not being extinguished either. The result of this was Primary Beings producing a fairly large amount of energy for the purpose of daily function and combat, while at the same time preserving their Creation Particles for a later time. To access the dormant Creation Particles, a Primary Being requires a decent amount of time and focus. For most it takes roughly 10 hours during which they can do little more than walk around. In rare cases, there have been Primary Beings capable of accessing their dormant Creation Particles in an instant, but only a handful of these individuals exist.

The reason Primary Beings no longer turn all of their Creation Particles into energy is because, while energy may be more efficient in supplying raw power to the user, it cannot create matter nearly as easily as Creation Particles (the only matter energy has been known to create is Proto Matter, which has little practical use other than storing energy). On the note of Creation Particles creating matter, the will of a Primary Being can influence Creation Particles, and can give the matter produced form. Simply put, anything a Primary Being can envision, can be created. This is why Primary Beings keep their Creation Particles as opposed to producing a near unlimited supply of raw power.

so much sience

For the next week or two, I’ll be out of town without my computer, so I won’t be making new topics, before I go I may be able to complete Kraahkan’s bio and post that, but I still don’t know.

@Mechmaster yeah it looks like I got a lot of world building to establish before the actual story