Bionicle Titan Building Tips

I’ll just leave this here■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-yo-481642579/amp

This is what I was talking about with worm gears.


So true so true, also, holy crap that’s big!

Yeah, that helps


Don’t rush it, and make sure you have a GOOD framework. Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson:


@KAI_BORG and @Omega_Tahu: That things are giant! The second doesn’t even look like a lego moc!

Trial and error man. I have been working on my Atlas moc for years.

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I have made a big moc before but I usually make the body with mostly CCBS and Technic parts. I just try to copy the basic CCBS torso and just improvise.
And I also add support on the waist and I try not to make it too heavy. Also when you make the legs try to add something like what they do with the HF titan sets, when they add those pistons to their theighs and waist area. It adds more support so it doesn’t make the legs all flimsy and stable.