BIONICLE Year Discussion No.1: 2006

Hm. You make a good point… given that it was roughly five years between 2006 and Hero Factory…


Hold on, guys. Let’s not get off-topic. If you going to discuss something like that, do it on the “BIONICLE 2015” page, alright? Here we discuss 2006.


Ok, so, my thoughts on 2006:

My opinion of the story: I knew the story from 2001-2005 through the movies only. It took me a while to understand that 2005 was a sequel to the prequel of 2001.

I did not have the opportunity to read the Comics or Novels. Nor was I able to participate in MNOGs or anything online for that matter.

Until, this year, 2006, so for me this was the year of the comics.

Although I didn’t get internet till 2007 and the novels… Well, I still haven’t read the Legends series (excluding #7).

Basically, the year was confusing for a while.

Now my opinion of the sets:
I was not very found of the rubber,
the light up stuff was neat,
the Zamora spheres were fun
and the flexibility was very nice.

Overall this year was just weird…
But, hey, it was still pretty good :slight_smile:

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Huh? Think you made a typo, there.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about :wink:

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Zamor spheres, not Zamora. Close though :wink:

2006 was the one year of Bionicle where I kind of lost interest, not because the story was boring but because it happened to be the most depressing year of my school life. My family bought just a couple of Matoran, which I thought were pretty sub-standard. One of them got Hakann but wouldn’t let me play with him so I didn’t build much of an appreciation of the new building style.

When the Toa Inika were released I barely noticed, but at the end of the year when all the Toa Mahri teasers came out, I suddenly got right back into the story and learned of what I’d missed out on. I realized how original and cool the sets really were (except the Voya Nui Matoran, which I still dislike). Eventually I read all the Legends books and got to know the characters a lot better. I remember thinking, “Well, these legendary Matoran are now legendary Toa. What will they come up with next?”

Then Mahri Nui happened and Bionicle became literally my favourite thing ever!

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the messed the up for shure

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this was my favorite year in front of 2007 i was young and 2006 didnt really have much to learn of the story but i understood a lot the inika were matoran and they fought these guys called piraka with 3 titians i got all of the inika because the commical was cool got fenrakk and vezon for the same reason and i never bought the piraka ether because there was no commerical or i thouth they were scary( i was young)

The Inika comercial was what had me hooked on Bionicle

My first “set” was gold good guy aka Turaga lihkan or however u spell it

CCBS > Inika Build

Inika Build is hate, Inika Build is death.

Also Hail Slizer Engineering!

But the light up swords were really nice, Star Wars-y.

Too dark

Loves me some 2006. And some Inika builds.


Hey, I like the Inika build. You can do a ton of good stuff with it.

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You can do more with CCBS, and visually is more cohesive where as Inika build is cobbled with tons of different visual styles and patterns.

But dem glowy swords! 2 GOOD 4 US!


For whatever my opinion is worth. It’s very hard to do good stuff (read: stuff I would leave compliments on) using just the Inika build.

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I’ll just leave this here

I wish I could make a topic of these


And Greg says love isnt canon, pfff

Greg isn’t here so he can’t judge me!

Wait, is he a spy, does he have an account! Oh no.

To that I say this whole clip

You have no Power here Greg.

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