Hello! I am Nyran. This is the third of a series of 10(for now) topics that I’m gonna make for the sake of discussing a various year of Bionicle as a whole.
We’ve had big overall topics, like whatever, but few if any topics focused on specific years, outside 2015.
So, I wanna know some aspects that you liked/didn’t like/stood out to you about certain years! This topic’s gonna be 2008 because it’s a year I personally find special, as it got me into the BIONICLE Community. I’d been in Bionicle for years, but I was never on BZP, I was introduced to it through stop-motion series’ and etc.
And as such, I ask you! What did you think of the sets and story from 2008? The Final Battle for Power! The Toa Nuva would finally reach their destiny, facing their strongest foes yet! The Makuta themselves.
In this year, we learned more about the mysterious Av-Matoran, and more about the Universe in general! The Expanded Universe was growing in 2007, but it truly erupted in 2008!
However, in my opinion, the sets were lackluster. Mostly the Mistakea. Kopaka and Lewa were and IMO still are the best of the 6 Nuva we got that year. Lewa’s colors may have changed, and his lime plastic may have been brittle, but keeping his lime made him feel like Lewa still, and I could buy into the idea that this was armor Lewa had. Same can be said with Kopaka there, with the exception of his weapon.
Onua and Gali tie for the worst Toa that year, with both simply not matching their characters at all, IMO.
The Makuta were all good, with Chirox and Bitil being the weakest. I loved all the other Canister Makuta.
All the titans and vehicles were fantastic, with the weakest being Vultraz’s, and his was still great.
But enough on my thoughts! Let the floodgates open so I may hear your thoughts!