Biovival Discussion (aka Christian Faber's mysterious project)

As soon as I figure it out I’ll let you know cause I’ve been scratching my head for days.


a callback to previous statements

They’re, um, proposing a product. To LEGO, with a logo, and… This still counts.

It’s a promise, except the promise is fulfilled as soon as you click on it. The logo promises there is a pitch to follow, something worth your time and interest. Something worth LEGO’s time and interest.

You’re right, anyone can. But when you also post it and go “I wonder what THIS could be OoOoOOOOOoOOo” and then later post another snippet of the logo and say the same thing, and then post the entire logo and say the same thing, and then post two letters from the logo and… Then you’re absolutely promising a product.

Yeah, it’s a opinion. An informed one with experience to make it more credible, but no it’s not written down somewhere that this is the only way it can be. And, inversely, it’s only your opinion that Faber hasn’t promised anything at all.

Have we tried saving the planet yet

The only thing that could really, feasibly occur outside of what happening now (beyond what you’ve said above with the addition of everyone paying attention to Faber) is for us to purchase legally distinct Faberonicle from Drawboy Limited.

That’s it. Otherwise it’s more source material for us to pull from with ‘Bionicle 3’. Maybe Faber simply wants us to be inspired the same way Bionicle and Bionicle the Squeakuel do. But I think if that were all, he’d have tried something closer to how he did it the first time, I think.

And that question ultimately depends on what Faber’s Not-Bionicle 2.0 is. So unless the interview says something more than he’s already said, I’m afraid I’m about to waste three hours I could’ve spent saying something stupid and getting banned on TTV

If it’s a new line of products with a Bionicle air, then it would be to use the resources he’s provided and the worldbuilding he’d be making to invent, create, and explore our own ideas and concepts. If it’s anything else except that, nothing he’s said or done has made any sense.

Not that it makes any sense as is.



If there were a way to tell you without seeing it I would. Maybe he wants to use Meso and Eljay’s bodies as hosts, like you were mentioning earlier.

where we’re going we won’t need bodies


I will destroy the planet just to show how cool I am.

Imagine asking a millenial/gen z person to buy stuff.

We can afford LEGO but I draw the line at investment.

I’m still hoping on getting those human BIONICLE augments now.


In your opinion, who is the burden of proof on when someone says “Faber has promised a product”?

They should then link where Faber tells us for definite that a product is coming, right?

Obviously I can’t prove a negative - that Faber hasn’t ever “promised a product”, without providing everything he’s ever said. But the burden of proof isn’t on me - I’m not making the existence claim.

The best I can do is direct them to an interview where Faber would almost certainly have promoted this “product”, if it existed. Yet he didn’t, suggesting their yet-unevidenced claim is flawed.

I can provide evidence for this though:

From the interview, starting at 2:31:37 (paraphrased):

Meso: "How, specifically, can we fans help promote this project?
Faber: “I’m not a really good organiser […] I need to build something around my setup that can help facilitate people coming into this.”

In other words, Faber doesn’t expect you to do anything and isn’t asking you to. He isn’t even set up for it yet, whatever “it” may be in the future.

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dont need bodies you say?
edit: replied to wrong guy but you get the idea lol


If that is the case then… He’s done nothing. So there is nothing to even be excited about if he has done nothing yet.


i mean im hopeful but im not at all optimistic. if something cool happens neat, otherwise imma just chill and keep playing with my lil plastic toys


Litter the world with BIONICLE parts to save the world.


To fully live the legend, we must dissolve ourselves into the greater conscience of the Bionicle fandom. Which is a terrifying thought due to how many Bionicle fans are on deviantart

That’s what I was worried about very early on, that Faber was hyping up the nothing. That there’s nothing in the box, that he’s going to be dropped like a molten potato when the roof falls in. The TTV interview definitely helped pacify things for now, but the clock is ticking, and he doesn’t have two more years to do this if he wants to keep this following.

I’d like to think that I’m right and there’s a product, since he wouldn’t do what I’ve described if there wasn’t.

I mean… I hope he wouldn’t.


Nah man! Just a box of NFTs! Don’t you love NFTs and crypto??


Would you please stop scaring me


that is the question

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Never. Fear the Faber Non-Fungible BIONICLE parts. Now you can build BIONICLE digitally and collect the masks in blind bags (digitally) and play with your sets (digitally) while digitally becoming BIONICLE with digital augments in VR (digitally).


that sounds like the biopack with extra steps


Except Ghid’s point is that he promised that from his very first logo reveal.

Yeah, he hasn’t said “I promise, this will be a product.” Just as I’ve never said “I strongly disagree with you yet still respect you as a person.” His posts speak for themselves, and they seem to promise a product from day one. And especially from day 365, when he mentioned business talks.


Kind of, yeah.

If you don’t have time right now, then wait; you don’t have to give your opinions right this second. This’ll be way better if you take however much time you need to watch the video, and then give an informed opinion.

In the interest of providing some sort of evidence, I’d say that one of the most direct sections of the video is a five-minute chunk starting at the 25:00 mark:

It’s still fairly open-ended, but it seems to suggest that this cryptic marketing is somehow actually part of the “product”.

This question from Meso also gives some insights:

There’s also a few little throwaway lines from Faber throughout the interview that suggest that he’s currently developing something with some companies, but they’re pretty vague, and I’m not sure how much we can lean on them for “evidence”.

Ultimately, though, I still don’t get this whole “Faber has to tell us what he’s doing” mentality.

It seems that a lot of people are hesitant to support Faber without knowing a certain degree of specifics (which I totally understand), but then wouldn’t it make more sense to just… not follow him? Why demand that he change his design to suit your preferences?

Plus, as per the video I quoted above, this vagueness kind of seems to actually be a part of whatever he’s doing, not just promoting it. If that’s not up someone’s alley, that’s fine. But it doesn’t make sense to demand that he change it.


One thought that came up in the chat was it being an ARG (Alternate Reality Game for those who don’t know). Personally though I would tremendously dislike that, ARGs are overdone and rarely done well, and just fail to be very fun IMO. Once again, earlier I mentioned he discussed VR and Unity Engine. Would be cool if it was some sorta game.

On the contrary. We demand he change it because the crypticness leads to doubt on his promotions. Tell me this: if he wanted people to support what is he doing why not just… Tell us. Is it really that difficult? I get crypticness can be great for storytelling, but when you’re in business it’s not the best strategy. All we want is a definitive answer of progress. Why is that so hard to be produced?


if it was some kind of bonkle themed arg that would be interesting but i dunno about a bonkle themed arg where it takes two years for anyone to realize its an arg

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Hold on, did you just describe Cyberpunk 2077

NO I must express myself NOW I might not feel the same way in two seconds

It’s true, I could wait until I’ve done everything necessary to be entirely up to speed. But the truth is, I don’t need to watch the interview to discuss existing things, like what he’s already done with the logos.

Granted, that’s… Not a good sign, but it is a sign that Faber’s actually planning what the end product is going to be, which implies there is a tangible end product.

But let’s hope that’s just something he was considering and not the final product. Please Faber.

Stop stealing my points