We know exactly what he has been doing - hyping people around a specific concept which he may or may not ever deliver anything at all on. We’ve known that since day one. And he’s used the internet clout for other means. Whether that’s good business - or business at all - is completely irrelevant.
There is no advertising because there is no product. He is making vague promises that a product exists; we are to expect nothing because he has offered nothing. Show-don’t-tell only works when there is something to show and not tell.
And overestimating his godlike status and the speaking power it “grants” him to the point of it actually pacifying the community, and underestimating the wrath of a community scorned. You think it’s bad for him now, wait till he eventually admits there was never anything in store and he was playing hype for hype’s sake - hype he “doesn’t need”.
Quote source - Christian Faber.
“Hey guys there is a thing!” is literally all he has said.
This isn’t marketing, this isn’t show-don’t-tell, this is don’t-show. This is inane and unequivocal babble which amounts to less than business, less than creativity. It’s pointless fluff which isn’t even pointing anywhere. It is a sum of its parts; its parts are four or five images of concept art for an idea nobody knows and a brand entirely kept alive outside of his involvement.
It makes me kinda wonder how much Bionicle he’s retained; how much of that masterful worldbuilding and conceptual skill is being ignored in favor of concepts nobody else agrees with. It’s part of the struggle of attempting to appeal to nostalgic memories because everyone’s Bionicle is different. Quote:
Yes I do quote myself to inflate my ego, be silent
But that’s hardly an excuse for the lack of anything other than “look at how much of Christian Faber I am” which he’s been posting everywhere he can. To gain a following? To advertise a product which may or may not ever exist? To remind people he’s alive and please notice him?
Maybe all. Maybe none. And we don’t know because he can’t do PR for his life.