Biovival Discussion (aka Christian Faber's mysterious project)

that looks a lot like a hau

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you say that like it was not obvious from the beginning it was about rebel nature. I mean at least faber isnt selling whenua torsos as nfts i guess? (not yet anyways)


It is a Hau. I cropped out a bit.


matoran lettering too. if this is somehow related to rebel nature faber reaalllllly tip toeing legos legal department (also guys faber talking about this stuff with buzz words reminds me of how the boggandofs got thru their phd papers)


eeenteresting. I’m intrigued.

I would say it does not mean that at all, Faber wants to tell near future stories with underlying envionmental messages. Judging by Fabers cryptiscm all this really tells us is that he wants them to have a unified goal. Different stories with the same underlying message.

Let’s actually break this down.

“Masks off! Do you have what it takes to be a hero? Is a line from an old song. #sketchesbyfaber showing an inside view of an ancient mask. You are the hero and the storyteller of your legend”

Typically Faber motivational speech here.

“You don’t need a mask. a true hero knows how to turn weakness into inspiration and inspiration into creative power”

Here he adresses us the reader we are the hero in this analogy and we are the ones able to be creative.

“Imagine what we can achieve together. Make the next legend an unmasked creative collab into a near future”

He is still adressing us and judging by his new years video this seems to be refering to his want to make his ideas a collaborative effort with the bionicle community. Some tip offs are the use of near future which he almost always use in relation to his projects. Next is “Imagine what we can do together. Make the next legend” He wants you to consider joining him here stronger together and all that jazz.

“We don’t need another far away Metaverse, we need creative action and purpose on Earth now.”
Here he is very obviously referring to Meta’s metaverse and how he don’t think those are the kinds of solutions we need right now.

#RebelNature is the Human legend looking into the future using tech #storyforesight instead of hindsight”

Here he just outright states his goal with Rebel Nature as a story about telling the consequences of our action in todays society if we were to do nothing.

#biovival will meet #RebelNatureafloat in one massive rescuemission for the future. Mask off - Creativity on.”

first going by his earlier analogy in this post the last bit obviously is a call to arms. Take of you mask and go be creative. The first part is a little bit more tricky to figure out. He does not imply that Biovival and Rebel Nature is the same story nor that they are conncected. He merely state that the are going on the same mission a mission he often likes to connect to the environmental issues of today and to his greater wannt of telling near future stories. Just because two things want to achieve the same thing does not make them the same thing or a thing of one of the things. It just means they have the same goal it does not say anything about their approaches being the same.

Finally connecting it back to the previous segement: “Rebel Nature is the human legend” to me alone says that he does not see these ips as the same thing just two approaches to the same goal, Rebel Nature is the down to earth story that has a mass appeal. Biovival is the eccentric cousin that’s a bit mor out there.

However that’s just my 5 rambling cents on this topic.


to be honest I get the feeling that you put more thought into the meaning of fabers post than he did


I forgot this is now a literal thing. Reading this I thought he criticized Bionicle for being so disconnected from reality.
I just wish we could for one time clearly understand what he is trying to get across.

Tbf I don’t after awhile of reading his post you just pick up on random things and callbacks and all that jazz. I think alot of people are giving him uneccesary flack he is just a dude who wants to be creative with issues he is engaged in. He obviously cares about the fans of bionicle or else he wouldn’t publicly go out of his way making a video were he clearly says he wants it to be a collaborative effort were everyone can participate.

Edit: here is his video


Inside of the Hau looking kinda tasty, not gonna lie.


A year or so ago, I would have said that Biovival was clearly stated to be a separate concept to Rebel Nature.

But I think it’s been hinted at for a few months that the Biovival idea is evolving into part of Rebel Nature.

From last October, Faber’s image of a biomechanical figure emerging from the ice, as human researchers look on, is described as a “story concept sketch”. The hashtags link it to Biovival and a specific chapter(?) of Rebel Nature (Dome C Expedition). You can get an idea of the plot from his additional comment.

Then the scale comparison of Toa and specifically human “researchers” (another Rebel Nature element) with a caption about “connecting the dots and expanding universes”.

And of course today’s Kanohi image talks explicitly about Biovival and Rebel Nature “meeting”. Note the mask is next to a Rebel Nature-looking mechanical arm(?).


…So was Faber conning everyone when he said the two projects were separate? Teasing BIONICLE to get support for Rebel Nature? No, I don’t think so.

My best guess is that he pitched something BIONICLE-related to LEGO at that meeting ~two years ago (maybe a virtual production animated show like he is doing for Rebel Nature), but LEGO wasn’t interested.
Not able to use the BIONICLE IP, the alternative is to launch an original BIONICLE-like IP of his own. But Faber already has Rebel Nature and the themes are pretty similar, so it makes sense to merge the two.

Is this good? Personally, I think so.
Rebel Nature is actually being produced and has a TV show and upcoming game confirmed. A separate “Biovival” IP could easily never happen, but as part of Rebel Nature there’s a chance for all those things you want to happen to still happen. (Albeit in a different context.)


All of this is very intriguing, personally.

As of now I still find it all disappointing. It just feels like constant nostalgia baiting without much substance


Faber wants to mix bonks into Rebel nature.Old things getting awakened when the frozen tombs of theirs crumble under the heat of the dying planet of ours. And we are helpless to stop it, because we are busy squabbling at each other.


Can’t say I’m at all excited at the prospect of just inserting Bionicle-esque imagery into a random near-future Earth setting. I don’t really want to see Toa (or their legally distinct analogues) interact with humans.

The one potentially interesting thing is his inclusion of a Bohrok in that size comparison. I can definitely foresee a story where they’re some sort of guardians attempting to wipe away humanity and its structures/pollution to “clean” the Earth up.


clean it all it must be cleaned
I mean that sounds very interesting


Faber has been too busy buying NFTs to realize perhaps the Bionicle community is more interested in Bionicle itself than Rebel Nature + Bionicle.


Where we’re going, we don’t need masks.


So it seems some people are getting Bayonicle vibes from this now.

“Movie about the toa, except it is on Earth and the main characters are humans.”


I knew from the get go it was not a Bionicle thing, it’s sad that people had false expectations.

That being said I am more interested in rebel Nature itself. I don’t need nostalgic ideas mixed in, I’d rather see all his new ideas for this and have it stand alone, out of the shadow of Bionicle.

What is actually sad is people who are so dead set on Faber only being a bad person who does everything with malicious intent against the community.

First it was stringing people along and now even after he has made himself clear about what he wants to do, people think he’s been decieving them. When he hasn’t.

Just to further cement this notion that they are not the same. In the video I provided in my last post Faber clearly says this:
“And many of you have sa… sort of written to me that I shouldn’t get into NFTs and so on. So I’m really watching and trying to learn. Because I see the chance of actually getting you creators out there at any level, into the process for example creating Rebel Nature OR Biovival.”

He clearly sees the things as two different things but with the same goal. What’s better it needs no reading into it to understand, there is no crypticsm its just clear cut delivered information and contextual analysis in play. If he had intended them to be the same thing he would not make a distinction between creating Rebel Nature and creating Biovival.

and just to further disuade any confusion:

One of potentially hundreds of concepts, it does not say much of what he actually has planned. He just shared this out of his million ideas. He’s been working as a concept artist for a really long time him throwing random ideas to the wall is his literal job. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

EDIT: Not really trying to change anyones mind(I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that) here tbh, I just want to share some evidence of the contrary and make people consider the opposite of what they think. Because I see it way to often in this community the inability to not look at things outside of a black and white box. For example the sentiment that everything of the opposition is naturally wrong and their opinion is the only that truly matters.