BNG asset dump

Guess what?

I worked on BNG a lot, and most of the 3D models went through me for some form of touching up or another at some point. Now that the project is pretty much not doing 3D anymore and basically dead, well…

I dunno, use them for stuff.

.blend files are the file format of the 3D modelling software Blender, which can be found at


Do you have any pictures of them?

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A bunch, but it would take a lot to upload them all.

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You could email them to me.

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Here’s a good one actually.


Wow, that’s amazing.


These are awesome! the file includes loads of things, the Ignika, Metru Nui Matoran, several versions of the Toa (not Nuva or anything, just the Mata) and even a Noble Jutlin (no idea why that’s there). Now if only I knew how to use Blender.


Wow, Maph, this is a huge deal! Thanks for giving these out as a resource.


The noble jutlin is technically from one of my own projects, but I included it as a bonus.

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What was BNG? It seems familiar. Maybe if I see it as a full name. Bionicle _ game?

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Bionicle: Next Generation. It was a project that started on BZPower with the goal of producing Bionicle fan-movies.


I have the feeling I want to port these to Garry’s Mod or Source Filmmaker.

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You’d have to do something about the poly count I think.

That sounds like one of the best ideas ever. Of all time.

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This is so much better then the people who taught me to use Blender. Absolutely amazing! Wow…

I might optimize these models if I’m bored enough, or I could finish the Toa Metru model I abandoned 9 months ago.

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Nice. I do some 3D work myself, so I can get some use out of these. That said, I use Lightwave not Blender. So I’ll have to figure out how to get them into that without breaking something.

If anyone knows how to do that, I’d appreciate some help.

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You actually made this 3D model? I gotta say the models are really cool. I love the new hands you gave the six toa. It suits them well as well as the cool arms you gave for them.