Breaking CCBS Pieces

I’ve had the 2015 add-on break from tahu

Had several of them break prior - but yeah, they can break like most Lego pieces. Just depends how long. Mine tend to last about 3-6 months before they lose friction and/or start to break


yeah, the only CCBS part I’ve broken is 1 friction adder.

Lol I was gonna use it on a moc but when I stuck it on it just snapped :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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how much have you used that part???

Female sockets?

@Sammythekat Idk had it since hf 3.0

Edited for Double Post - Prpl


Oh no the end in nigh

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Those suckers ain’t invincible
All the sockets at Legoland’s HF/Bonkle attraction were cracked in some shape or form


Really because I still have some from 2.0 sets and they still have plenty of friction, not as much as new but they have been through a lot of mocs.

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Congrats on being the first person in history to have broken a CCBS joint! :smile:

Just kidding :slight_smile:

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I collect them.


Here you go:

How do you even break that many, let alone a SHELL?!

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I experiment a lot.

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Glad I’ve never had a CCBS piece snap on me like this.

Man, that’s just sadistic.

It hurts just looking at those!

I’ve had a few break before xD

If anybody says I’m too rough with the parts or anything, all of my lime parts are completely intact.


The joke here is people intentionally brake pieces to have pictures for the thread :stuck_out_tongue:


Every picture I see with broken CCBS pieces makes me cringe.

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I tend to find the early one’s last longer, kind of like with G1 Bionicle pieces. I still have a fully made red Rahkshi without any broken pieces… yet a majority of the CCBS and technic/system pieces with Onua 2015 are broken.