BrickFair Virginia 2016

Been back home for roughly 24 hours now. Gonna take a moment to type this out.

That week was quite possibly the most fun I have ever had in my entire life. I can say with certainty, having met the other five, that I do have friends. I have friends, and they just aren’t here right now. But I await every day with baited breath until the time we get to meet up again.

Absolutely everything was fantastic. I had an absolute blast getting to hang out with my friends, with people I’ve known for roughly 7 years. Singing in the car, laughing, recording, shopping, just relaxing - all of it was a blast. And then, meeting fans. I haven’t quite yet experienced as much of a humbling experience as that one. Getting to meet you all and sign things was spectacular, and I had a great time doing it. I’m eager to do it again.

Over all, sign me up for next year. I want to be there. I want everyone from TTV to be there. I can not wait, and I’m excited for everything that is in store for us in the year to come.

Thank you to everyone for coming out to see us. Thank you to the parents who brought their sons and daughters to the convention, to see thousands of amazing creations, and to let them say hi to us.

And thank you, Mesonak, Varderan, Kahi, Venom and Viper for being not just my only friends, but easily my best friends.

Catch you all on the flip side.


It’s either you’re a tall dude or the rest of TTV is short.

Who made those? Those murals are sick.

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great speech. Wish i could have been there to stop by and say hy.

Edit: could have given you that arm wrestle

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I think it’s a little bit of both :stuck_out_tongue:

If I’m not mistaken, it was made by members of BZP. I guess you’d have to go to their website to potentially find more information on that.


Late post, but Brickfair Virginia was awesome this year! Got my booklet signed and everything!


Wonderfully said! Here’s hoping I’ll make it next year so I can see you all.

LOL, my derpy face in the background.

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