Brickonicle: Stone Mech Attack

That, actually, makes so much sense…

The only thing I think could have been better would be to add a second stormerang (am I spelling that correctly?) to the other arm of the mech. I appreciate that you made the mech left handed, but the mini-figure you made for Pohatu has 2 stormerangs (still pretty confident that I spelled that wrong), so it seems inconsistent that he would lose an attack to his right when he upgraded.

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Looks fantastic! I honestly would love a mech-line with Bonkle.

It was a last minute addition, yeah I forgot the 2nd one but the box set was already cluttered with one.

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Hey, what program did you use?

Screw canon, I want that mech.


I want instruction of it so much ! Please give me it !

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