Button (Game)

Button is a game that I made with a couple of my school friends on google slides. Yes, google slides.

Rules: No cheating. Only press the red button, or something else if it tells you to. To play the game, put the presentation into ‘Present Mode’ or the game won’t work. If you have questions ask below.

Credit to my friends @Ryouk, and @Hakinui.

Post your results, and see how you did! There are 35 levels, and just to be clear,

Do not push the button to button 2.

It’s not done yet.

Here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18EPQ9MmCpWAVwJqiVxX_A6Qjl3LBzHaYnazK4xw7khI/edit#slide=id.g113a8bab7b_0_0


The document is private

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How am I supposed to tell which button to press without cheating?



It’s mostly just a lot of trial and error.

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Hey that hurts!

At least that’s what the first slide said.


What do you guys think of it so far?

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I understand that you probably had fun making it, but as a game this really has nothing going for it. It’s not that fun, there’s really no novelty in it because I’ve seen better games made in slides, and the fact that it’s purely random guessing infuriates me.

That was pretty cool, actually.
Either I got really lucky or I’m persistent on pressing it.

Glad you like it!
Button 2 should be done soon. I’m trying to decide if I should make it a public project, or just keep it with my friends. You decide!

  • Public Project

  • Just friends

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@fangface1, Actually, it was really hard to make, but a little bit of fun.