Captain Aqua

I wanted to use out the aquamarine pieces out after getting the jungle slizer.

I’ve had way too many blue studs after buying two of akida (creature of water)

His water “harpoon”

Air tanks

The feet are supposed to be like flippers attached to regular feet.

Let me know what you think!


This just has something that makes me love it, I can’t quite put my finger on it. I think I just dig the whole aesthetic and theme of the MOC. Nice build too, nothing too complex but not overly simple 9.5/10 :slight_smile: :thumbsup:


Brilliant head! (Though it’d work better with a trans-clear dome). The blues clash a bit too much IMO (especially in the upper legs). Overall, a lot of the textures and motifs on this MOC don’t flow (no pun intended) very well together.

In addition, I highly recommend you bump up the light intake settings on your camera/get more lamps/edit your pics. Right now everything looks a bit dark and isn’t super clear. In addition, you might wanna find something different as flooring. The rug’s a bit distracting.

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Would this be better or worse, or should I do something in-between?

Looks nice.

And BTW, that’s teal, not aquamarine.

At least, teal’s the official designation for that color.

Actually its official name is “dark turquoise”

I think everyone has their own names for lego colors. For instance calling this color “apple green”

It looks kinda thin, but that look fits this MOC really well!
All the blues flow really good with the yellow and lime green!
Great job!

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If possible, some more turquoise on the feet would be nice.

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Reminds me of the Vex from destiny for some odd reason.

That’s pretty darn good.

Spectacular, but man, those sockets really do break.

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While thats true there ARE official names for things that people ignore, really bothers me when people call trans neon orange trans red or orange, or trans neon green trans yellow. Brick link uses the official names.

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Interesting colors, generic build, amazing head.

Pity this good MOC rose from such an idea as is having too many parts.

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I like the head and feet, as well as the color scheme, but otherwise it’s just an Inika build.

Yes, and no. The upper torso is an inika one, but the lower torso is completely custom.

such an awesome design aesthetic

Creative all around!

Looks pretty guude👍🏻

Kinda like a mahri-Aqua Raiders Esc. Thing