Changing the Stars

So I had fun discussing this idea on the bzp server and decided to bring up the topic here.

If you could add 2 more characters to the 2010 stars, without changing the original 6, who would you add?


Hahli Mahri to represent 2007 and a makuta (possibly a new character) to represent 2008


Takadox/pridak and helryx

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Any random Makuta(Maybe just call the set “Makuta”, like how the skakdi is just called “Piraka”) and a water toa just named “Toa”(Who could be Helryx)


Visorak and Toa Mahri Hahli. Ignition and Metru Nui are underrepresented.


how would visorak stars work

Large preformed carapace akin to the Skakdi spine or Rahkshi head that connects to the head joint with a socket and into the back with a pin or axle

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Or like @Atobe_Brick showed me once.


A Visorak and a Makuta would be fun to see in the under-detailed forms of the Stars, but the storyline of the stars is that they played a role in the final war, which both the Visorak and almost all Makuta were destroyed at that point. If I were to add two characters to the line for that year’s release- Titan Battle Pack: Mata Nui vs Teridax.


Visorak existed during the final battle, they just not participated in the battle. Teridax created new ones during his reign.

Sure, the Mahri (Jaller, Hahli, and Nuparu specifically) put the Heart of the Visorak in the volcano on Artidax, which brought all of the Visorak to the island to die via volcano eruption. But the Visorak were revived anyway by Makuta Teridax, after he took control of the GSR, and they acted as enforcers. And now they run free on Spherus Magna.

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