once upon a time there lived a matoran named eljay, toa of mangosteens (not to be confused with mangos) who lived with his pa lewa and ma omega tahu, being the lowlife he was, he decided to put out recap reviews of an old? lego series called bionicle, kahi teleported into his house with the power of IMAGINATION and shouted “YOU FREAKING NERD” he then teleported away, depressed and sad, he reviewed roodaka, and didnt know what high heels were, antics ensued, the commenters disgusted the small percent that werent disgusting, eljay cryed even more BOOM CRASH something fell in eljays backyard, it was a toa canistar, he ran to it. Shrek mask of light lewa emerged, all stoned and stuff too, he said, jump in mannnnn its all goooodddddddd down hereeee eljay tuck it, and jumped in, eljay was on spherus magna with the rest of ttv, with a mangosteen in his hand he jumped up the yell I LIEK ROODAKA I AM TOA OF CANON!" meso said"MIRUS SUCK" eljay used HUGE EGO! “YOUR FACE IS A SKULL” meso cri erytim
suddenly the rest of ttv were like, LET US SPEAK AUTHOR MAN! no not yet…wait a second!
eljay then questioned the logic behind being a matoran named eljay toa of mangosteens, the author having NOT made a mistake said matoran toas were canon
now where was I, oh yeah, viper found a zaktan mask, put it on, and turned into a skadi
meso found a skull, he put it on, he became makutaskadiwitchdoctorofskullspidersmesonak
a chicken landed in vars watermelon, he became a toa of waterchickens (NOTRACISTANYWHERE)
shredder claws landed on a computer with a 100 dollar tahu with free shipping ebay listing
venom became a toa of ebay
CHAP. 2 kahi, invi and ex members come in