Chiara MOC WIP

Just a early take on Chiara. Idk if it’s necessarily canon accurate as I started taking it into more of a direction of a study on frail bodies. I need to add much more blue. Thought process behind the fragility was more that I could show a lot more wiring and generator like detailing.


That’s an interesting take, but I’m not sure I agree with the hunchback.

I actually don’t have any problem with the torso, it’s a quite unique design. However, you may want to move the neck to the top, since with the scale, it’ll look like his head’s coming out of his stomach.


I agree with Winger here; the torso looks nice, but the way you have the head attached the torso turns it into a complete “U”, with the legs sticking out in the exact same direction as the neck. Having it a tad more upright would make it look more natural, and also make some of the detailing in the torso easier to see.


Toa Chiara MOC, need to find the second metru leg for the arm and ice piece for lighting.
Probably gonna swap the lower arm and leg pieces but other than that thoughts?


Overall I like the MOC, but I’m not a huge fan of the lightning weapons on the arms. I find they stick out a lot. I’m also not sure if the bulkiness fits with Chiara’s canonical stealth.

Other than that, nice work! The upper arm construction is quite interesting, and the shaping of the torso. The legs are built well, and look like something that’d be released officially in an '06 titan.

First impression was good, but sadly it kinda went downhill from there. It’s hard to tell from the picture of the back, but it looks very exposed. The waist area in particular is completely unarmored. The main portion of the torso looks good. I’m really not sure why there are so many turbines on the arms though.

Using Nuva shoulders on the torso, on a female MOC, but as shoulder armor. I’m slightly amused.

Main issue is she doesn’t look like a Toa of Lightning, Vo-Matoran are supposed to be blue and white. Beyond that, you’ve got a lot of armor pieces with different complex textures, then you’ve got the Nuva shoulders that are smooth.


I rather like this look. The thighs are well-built. I can’t say I like the lightning shooting out of the turbines, though–it’s just… too much, I guess. The bulky Nuva shoulders are fine on their own, but the silver Kalmah armor behind them looks too big and too flat, particularly from the back. I can’t tell if I like the foot extensions on the back, either: they look cool, but also sort of superfluous. I still say it’s a solid MOC.

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For the most part I really like the build; I like how beefy she is.

The torso design has nice shaping, the balljoint connections for the shoulders are interesting (good interesting).

Are those… high heels? That seems unnecessary, and would also seem to make the feet a lot less stable.

It doesn’t scream ‘stealthy’, but I don’t think it needs to (and, y’know, she has a mask of stealth).

Some better pics would be cool :slight_smile:

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therapist: buff Chiara doesn’t exist, she can’t hurt you
buff Chiara:

Honestly, I’m not quite a fan of this MOC. Some of the design choices are really nice, such as the thruster upper arms, but there is a lot that needs to be worked on. You should decrease the bulk a bit, and remove those high heels; those are unnecessary. You should also incorporate white, because she just looks like a Toa of Water to me.

Apologies if this semed a bit too harsh

Interesting take, I wouldn’t have thought of it, but it’s kinda growing on me.

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could you make a side view?

last version In my 2am haze really stuggled to add ball joints to the shoulders with the hordika chest piece and only made her extremely bulky. Idk why I didn’t think of the hordika head piece earlier but works much better. The skyblaster is temp, obviously she’s not shown to have any tool but it seemed appropriate. I need to work on the back a bit more but other than that, thoughts? Just realised left hand is wrong way round raging


Nice! I’d say I prefer this over v1. I like the use of the hordika torso, and the way that you built the upper legs and upper arms is quite interesting.

At first I thought the midak skyblaster contradicted with her stealthiness, but maybe it could represent some kind of sniper gun. I kind of like the idea of having another character with no melee weapons.

Perhaps it’s just the lighting, or the camera quality, but I find that she looks a bit lacking in blue, but other than that, it’s among the best Chiara mocs I have seen! (granted, there aren’t all that many)

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I think a sniper or a scoped variant of an existing blaster might work better than the chunky nature of the skyblaster. I also agree with the blue, I’m hoping to have the upper arms double ball joint piece be blue but still sorting through my collection to find a second one. Thanks for the comments on all of my builds very helpful!

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Wow this is amazing, so cool to see how far this has come. Fantastic moc 9.9/10

The bulkiness is still a bit too much, but this is vastly better than the original. Keep it up!

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Looks pretty good! The mask doesn’t fit in my opinion though.