I’m sure for the forums this is nothing to be concerning as a whole, but, it’s a topic I feel should be discussed and does impact Boards in general. You ever get when you build something and someone just comments ‘I didn’t like that’ or ‘that was terrible’ or anything like that. To where they only briefly say the don’t like something you’ve done? Everyone gets it, I mean it’s true we can’t satisfy others as a whole but at least we’re trying to do so to the best we can.
People who post that could be trolls or don’t actually like what you’ve done, with the internet, it’s bound to happen. But when I don’t like something someone made, at least I’ll have the decency to create Constructive Criticism.
Constructive Criticism is probably underrated, it means in basic terms if you don’t like something, at least you won’t just say ‘THIS SUCKS’ but instead you’ll explain it in a calm, collective manor. Example: ‘This is a good Moc and I enjoy how you built the arms. If I may, next time can you add a little more detail to the chest? Seems lacking to be honest.’
The reason why we do this is two reasons. 1. It’s calm and expresses that we aren’t here to cause a fight. And 2. It helps, we always get those times where we make a bad choice, or a choice that could’ve been improved on, and that’s the beauty of Constructive Criticism is to help one-another in the future of what they’re doing so they can continue doing what they love, rather then hate themselves for something they put love and care towards.
I’m sure everyone’s got this down, however I felt like it was a good topic to discuss about. What are your thoughts? How do you explain something you’re not to fond of? Again this is just a reminder, not saying this happened here, but it’s happened on other sites and it’s just a thing to keep in mind.
Sincerely - Just some dude sitting in a chair who will probably go back to watching pointless videos… OH LOOK, KITTENS, THEY’RE SO CUTE!