Cool MOC ideas

If you are like me, finding ideas for MOCs can be a pain. This is a place where people can share their ideas and give feedback on said ideas.


Well, for the currently under progress version of my Self-MOC Ekorak I’ve actually taken inspiration from a stealth jet with odd angles and curves. Some things that you may not think of can actually make really cool MOCs.


For Koza, I kinda based it on the Toa Metru design. This is seen in the angular shoulders and bulky design.

Search up concept art online. That’s where i go if i don’t have ideas.

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I always wanted to make a MOC of the future time travelling Eljay from Podcast Episode 100. I would like to wait until I get G2 Lewa and when I have enough parts before I start his construction.


isn’t that just
eljay but old


Here’s some obligatory ideas:

-Arachnid queen
-Useless but cool minions
-Desert/wasteland wanderer
-Ice Scientis
-Giant Dinosaur
-villainous Mob boss
-Brutish thug and sly thug
-Giant mechanical being
-moc that transforms into spaceship(s)
-Creature covered in spikes
-friendly robot
-Plant Monster
-Minecraft creation
-Futuristic vehicle
-Technic/Bionicle/Hero Factory Cannon
-Devilish cool guy
-Funny and creepy clown

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I always saw future Eljay as a BIONICLE version of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid IV. He might be old, but he’s still a force to reckon with.


Think of mocs as custom cars, just the right amount of parts and it’ll be an awesome hotrod!

Now think of Eljay as something like, oh say, an awesome chopper bike
Imagine how it’d look in the future in the war: Beat up, few spare parts here and there, New threads, dirt, grime, and A faded-gold Miru. Also maybe a craggly voice and some white hairs here and there
And That’s how I’d imagine a future Eljay Moc


You forgot the manly scar/robot eye and Mega Buster arm.


@TheJMPofArcadia some day I shall build an eljay-cycle
@Collector I think our difference is that I don’t tend to see eljay as a force to be reckoned with


Has anyone attempted to make a Bionicle weapons rack?

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Not sure I think so look it up

I don’t think anyone has yet…

I want to make something, but I don’t know what… Help me anyone, give me ideas…

Humanoid or not?


@Hafynx How about a Balrog from Lord of The Rings?

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How bout Falcon, Civil War edition.

@TheMoltenKing @Hutere I think I have an idea… Will take a while though