Here’s my revamp of my favourite Phantoka matoran: Radiak
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Here’s my revamp of my favourite Phantoka matoran: Radiak
What have I done?
Please tell me what you think!
This looks really great, I’ve always liked Radiak quite a bit. I really like what you did with the eyes.
Looks great!
I’d recommend adding more Metru Red.
something cute? it looks good
@PekekoaOfJungle Thanks! The eyes took a while to work out how to make.
@Joe Thanks, unfortunately I seem to have a lack of Metru Red parts.
@Asriel Thanks!
If only we had more metru red shells…
I have fond memories of playing with Radiak in grade school, and this is a pretty nifty revamp, especially the horns.
Most impressive indeed.
I would buy one of these.
@Hutere Thanks!
Nice MOC.
This looks way better than the official Lego version!
Good job!
then again, they did set the bar pretty low.
Maybe you could add in Umaraks red spikes to give more metru red.
Great to see my first bionicle set revamped, like others have said it could use some more dark red, maybe some of the metru chests in red or change the shells on the arms to dark red.
It’s alright. The back legs could be longer though
i second this
This looks really good the head is especially awesome I broke my radial the day I got it😔
Amazing stuff.He looks positively demonic while still being oddly cute.
Would a shot of the custom head be asking too much?
@TBT_Emerald @Ninjanicktf @Vicroen @Toa_Aveex Thanks!
@LurkingEhlek @AwesomeJoel27 @mrbioproductions I agree, but I unfortunately don’t own any CCBS shells in Metru Red, or Umarak the Hunter (Sorry ).
@Rockho I suppose, when I made them longer initially it looked a little odd.
@Omni Thanks, here’s the basic structure of inside the head. (If you want to use it, please give credit.)
That head is genius!