Cringy Bionicle stuff

Probably the fact that we all thought Bionicle Revolution was going to be the best thing ever


I hate the concept of such unity. So thank you,

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Jaller being called ¨Jalla¨ in the movies.

You take that back. Jala is the only name I’ll accept for Jaller, especially since it was his original name.

True, although the trailers are still amazing. By the way, do you know who voiced Sidorak? He was spot-on.

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The trailers were amazing yes. Too bad there is such a trope for that. They call it “Trailers Always Lie”

No clue who played Sidorak but whoever did really did seem to mimic Michael Dobson’s Siddy voice perfectly

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Personally, while I thought the trialers were made well, I thought it looked stupid. I hated the idea of Bionicle and Hero Factory being connected

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The case of ‘you had one job’ that is the Rahkshi dropping Krana in Bionicle: The game.

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hell even the idea of Hero Factory and Bionicle being connected in a race war screams like an angry 14 year old in 2010 using HF toys so they could be killed by their Edgy OC because they can’t handle the idea that Bionicle is gone. Considering Sam’s knowledge of Bionicle (or lack thereof) and his past as a stop-mo animator (and his fetish for edgy anti-theist propaganda) that doesn’t surprise me.

@Jakura_Nuva Hey at least Google+ will be gone in a few months

Edited for double post- Prentice1215

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Ok what :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s some impressively smooth stop-motion on the tail movement.

man this is so cringe the page doesn’t even show up anymore (does that count as lost media?)

but achually… you all ever realize how hash we were back in 2016?

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Does anyone remember the Rakshi Rock video?