I’ll never tell you how! My secrets will never be revealed!
I’ll never tell you how! My secrets will never be revealed!
I love how there’s this huge discussion on which creature is the cutest.
But they all have the same face.
That being said, Terak is the best critter 20X6
“Ikir, the Creature of Fire, is the envoy of the Element of Fire and therefore it is as fierce, fearless and impulsive as the towering flames that spout from Okoto’s greatest volcanoes.” (from the official Lego Bionicle page)
Not sure about the tiny, cute innocent bird
But he’s such a widdle cutie pie!
Melum is the cutest in set form, He’s just sooo ADORABLE
Akida in the Show, The way She (or he) Clicks and whistles is SOOOOOO CUTE, IT’S JUST ADORABLE
Oh, and I belive Ketar deserves some love
Having now purchased Kopaka and Melum, the stubby proportions and large paws make Melum so unbelievably adorable. The same can be said for Terak.
Terak. He just shuffles along like a little derp and looks like he’s trying to hug Onua whenever he unites with him. He also makes funny sounds when he talks.
(Also a poll should be added for this)
To me, it’s like choosing my favorite child. I like to imagine these creatures were once powerful spirits who de-evolved themselves to be more elusive and blend in.
That said, I think Uxar is adorable, Ikir is sweet, Melum is huggable, Terak is lovable, Ketar is cute, and Akida is precious.
Probably Terak/Melum.
Terak. He looks so cute with his short legs and overly big hands.