Cyber-Hand's Forge

Well I started forging with aluminum and have tinkered with copper and zinc (that one is dangerous, use a respirator when melting) but recently my forge reached to the temperature of melting stainless steel (after experimenting with some friends and resulted in the destruction of my crucible).

A list of things I have melted (just for the sake of melting cuz I get bored) is…

  • Zinc (its everywhere BUT that one is dangerous, use a respirator when melting)
  • Copper (scrapped and stripped electric wires)
  • small amounts of gold (from old computer parts I scrapped from a flea market)
  • Aluminum
  • Brass wires from craft stores

I have never used pewter, but it should be not a problem because of its really low, low, LOW melting temp.

Honestly, you can build a forge at a pretty cheap price. Watch the once viral King Of Random backyard forge. That is an excellent place to start(which is how I started) and should melt pewter like its made of play-dough

keep in mind I’m still a total noob at this, and I am by no means a professional. I’m just some kid with (too much) time on his hands who likes to play with fire


No, I haven’t, unfortunately…



It’s very easy to mod the Makuta model and create a “stopper” for the neck, so we’ll see how that goes.

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Yeah, providing I hear good things about the gold steel one, I’ll probably get it. It will cost me a pretty penny, but I think it’s worth it to give Bionicle a proper send off.


I’ll buy the black steel one! It’s going to be awesome!


Let me know the moment it arrives I am as curious as everyone else is to see how that one comes out.


I’m going to buy it in late August though, because next week I’m going on holiday.

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That is AWESOME I so want it!!!

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But does it grant you unlimited powah?


Umarak isn’t his made up name, so I think it’s very likely there is another Umarak.

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Where did this pic come from?

where can I find more

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I was successfully able to print the mask on my home replicator. Here are the results.



How well does it fit to the head? Also what material did you print it out of?

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It fits pretty well but I shall be making some small alterations to make it fit better. Also now that I can do the prototypes here I can update the shapeways with the final version.


Well shoot. I already ordered mine. Is it loose on the head?

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Not at all. but the bit that allows you to flick the mask off if you use the brain stalk is a little far away. If I didn’t know how to 3d model I would be happy with it. but I am a perfectionist. I am never happy with the final result and will always be tweaking it.


It won’t be that chunky if I ordered white strong flexible and polished right? Sorry for all the questions, but the mask really looks great.

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You talking about the little bits of plastic sticking off of it? If so then no it won’t be. the polish should also thin the parts a little so your might fit the head better than mine.


Is the polish smooth or grainy like the strong and flexible material.

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