Cyber-Hand's Forge

Would it be too much to ask you to put the file for this on Thingiverse? Because I’d love to print it myself

Lol I am too

In reference to the fact that Altair is going on vacation. ARE YOU BRITI–
Are you British? I don’t use “holiday.”

Hey Cyber Hand, use my profile pic for reference. Also, YES PLZ MAKE A SINGLE HALF AND THEN BOTH COMBINED VAHI

sorry I am rage mode now

Please familiarize yourself with the site rules; posting more than one in a row is not allowed. Thanks. --John Smith

John- I didn’t! The post between mine must’ve been deleted!

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Hey there. The model is finished and I only use official images when making my models. Now to be a hypocrit, the mask of time is tricky since it only has one image and all of them are from the front. I have spent time online looking at ways the two masks could connect. There is just too much of a difference in both asthetic and shape to form a cohesive mask. I am working with @Fanbyl to create a model that I hope everyone will be happy with.


Just to get this outta the way so everyone stops asking but it won’t connect to the lower half right? Would be cool if it did, but I doubt it.

Oh okay

The old one doesn’t have any way to attach to the new one. The only way I could do it, is if I make a model where the two halves have been fused.

Thank you! Sorry a asked a question RIGHT after you answered it, I read you’re comment completely wrong. I thought you meant you could not find ways for the mask to attach to the G2 head. My apologies.

Yeah… I was confusing too. I meant some kind of altered mask that looks similar to both as if they had fused. Oops.

Ok the ABSOLUTE FINAL!! version of this mask is done. I am not going to be making anymore changes to it. The changes I made from the last one were to make it so the mask flick off mechanic works, and a slight change to the jaw.


Awesome, so I was wondering

Because I just found out I actually have access to a 3D Printer, and uploading the files there would allow me, and anyone else with a 3D printer, to print it

No, I’m not even from an English speaking country. I have no idea of what is “british” or “american” or “australian” or whatever, it’s just english to me :slight_smile:.

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Oh wow, lol. It’s just that British people say “Holiday” and not “Vacation.”

Also, how do you quote someone on mobile devices?


Oh my…I want to buy 2 so badly, but what would be better: buying a black and white plastic then paint the white one gold or just go with two whites and paint those black and gold?

Two whites. And I recommend spray paint, that’s what I’m going to do.

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The two spikes that extend out of the back of the mask (the first ones from the crest, you know, the curvy ones?) are too close together, and a bit too jagged. They don’t curve naturally like they do on the LEGO printed MoUP.

The back spikes are actually wider than the image that I used to model the front of the mask. Also they are very sharp in their angles.


Do spray paint come in pearl gold like color or only darker gold?

There are more types of gold spray paint than you can shake a stick at. I would advise you go to your nearest bunnings store or autobarn. they have a good selection of paints there.

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I’ll have a look around, though not sure if we have those stores here, but I’m sure any paint related shop will do just fine.

Oh, almost forgot, what type of plastic is the mask gonna have? Is it the same plastic the official masks use or different? Just wondering if a specific type of paint is needed for the plastic.

Edited for double post -Indi

Magnificent looking!

If I had to complain about one thing it would be that the mask is to far from the face causing it to be loose.

But if you just push it a little further it’s fine.

Other than that it looks amazing!
Especially on Makuta,