Dark Hunter Winners List Search

Did some more searching for the list. TLDR: more dead ends.

I found a forum topic talking about the winners, but it only confirms what we already know, that Pekel, Tok, and Shannara won, who made Primal, Lurker, and Guardian, respectively.

Another forum shows a topic called “Would be Dark Hunter Contes…,” but it wasn’t archived. It seems it was posted by Dr. Bionicle, who was also on BZP staff. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that he’s been active the last several years.

This BZP snapshot shows another URL for the topic I mentioned in the initial post.


Whereas the one I linked to is


(No idea why this flags the filter.)

For anyone who may be unfamiliar with how the Wayback Machine works, you are able to search all archived pages for a given domain by using an asterisk at the end of the URL. You can then put in search terms to narrow it down. I tried this, searching for the topic id, 188357, but it turned up with no results. This means that this topic was not archived in any way.

This other BZP snapshot shows another forum topic called “Dark Hunters Are Up On Bion…”. It was never archived either.


At least we have another losing entry name (Karuzahk is mentioned in the final post of that link).

The board filter censors any string of letter starting with “s”, ending with “t”, and with “h” and “i” somewhere in between (in that order).