Did Rahi reproduce at all?

Mate, one of the options that he gave, that I showed you, even, allowed for the answer to simply be that the Makuta were just pumping out new Rahi fast enough that their populations remained stable. This is something that nobody had answered, you included up until now. Your high and mighty attitude is unnecessary and frankly insulting, especially when you first came in here swinging you were using an answer that only tangentially related to his question. The only part of it that relates to his question at all is this:

The first part is a piece of information that the original poster is clearly already aware of, and the second rules out one of the solutions to this problem he suggested unless it was said differently in the story somewhere, which numerous people have pointed out that there is evidence for in the early days, such as “baby” Rahi and mentions of nests and mothers. It’s likely that these were simply oversights, but they’re not insignificant. You can’t behave like you were coming in here with a fully-formed explanation and that we’re the ones not understanding it. Believe it or not, there’s a difference between “Makuta make Rahi” - a fact, and “Makuta make enough fish Rahi that the Matoran don’t overfish them and kill them all” - an inference.