Yeah, Shadowgear is active again. (And actually living up to his hype this time. I’m pleased.)
Scotttjt is gone too. I loved his videos.
If anyone reads this, then Shadowgear6335 plans to release a video discussing why the whole biotube community collapsed and everyone became inactive.
I saw that and look forward to it.
Me too, very much so.
Another thing for me to watch.
How is Legomationstudio not remembered?
He is basically gone, but he was my favourite Bonkle reviewer back then. What he lacked in quality, he more than made up for in entertainment and personality.
Also, his dog shall be remembered as well.
I thought he still made videos?
What personality?
Breaking News: Legomation has had personality this entire time and has been hiding it REALLY REALLY well.
Okay, so I have seen a few bio-tubers in my day…and Shadowgear is really one of the few that still holds up…
Nope, he thinks personalty is like Hewkii inika’s color scheme…
iBionicle made a comic recently. Bionicle Derelicts.
Ah! I’ve been meaning to read that.
Did you attend his livestream?
It was entertaining.
I swear I found Pot8o’s clone in the comments though.
Good grief! I could barely recognize him in that video! What happened to all that energy!?
I do hope this isn’t flagged as promotion, but I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen that iBionicle has come back? Kinda. I knew some of TTV followed him and this is more to let them know than anything, but I just wanted to know, did anyone else see this?
Yup. He’s been working on his Alexander Empyre channel recently. Did anyone see his Journey to One livestream?