DND stuff: Tebyrn stupidity and stuff

“For me my tale starts in a forest a few cities away.” Tebryn started. “I was with a different party back then, before we split up to go our own ways, finish our own tales so to speak.”
“We had just been hired to find out the cause of a couple… ‘disappearances’ from a town close by the forest.”
“I and the others quickly agreed to the task, why a hefty sum of gold ad the boost to our reputation included with also helping the poor folk was a better deal than any of us usually found. So in we went, I, armed with my skills of stealth and senses only danger could heighten, our barbarian companion, an elf at that, following with his mighty Battle hammer, our swordweidling wizard of a dragonborn, fully prepared in spells and sword freshly sharpened, and our Druid, a half-orc raised by town folks with a claim that the stars had foretold his rise as a hero, not the brightest though, armed with his spells and shapeshifting, and so it was with this group of four did we enter the forest in pursuit.”
“It was a long travel before we found anything, two days, but when we found what we did it was worth it, apparently a tribe of ogres (or your equivalent) had taken residence in a cave system also inhabited by Kobolds, apparently they had joined forces, the Kobolds dragon protector dead by an earlier group of adventures hands.”
“We had ourselves quite a battle, the cries of Ogres as we cut them down, the burning and crackling of Magic missiles, the dodging of traps laid down en-mass by the tricky little lizards. ah it was the life.” Tebryn said, a far off look in his eyes. “Ah yes quite a fight, why I barley made it out of there alive if it wasn’t for a lucky hit by my daggers and our Druids timing. Injured and surrounded by two Ogres I managed to jump one and stab his eyes out with my daggers and before the other could react my druidic friend managed to flatten him to the ground while shifted into a bear.”
“Unfortunately while we did discover what had been happening to the missing folk we didn’t manage to save any, the Ogres had already killed an eaten most of the lot and the few that weren’t eaten were either already dead or killed in the fight.” Tebryn said, releasing a slightly mournful sigh.


So, uh, yeah. I’ve managed to join a (homerewish) DND group a while ago (@Runa), been playing for a couple months and we’ve been doing our little shenanigans.
I play a highly charismatic (and weak) rogue who’s basically supposed to be able to lie his way out of any situation… yet currently he’s, for some reason, one the best fighters and strongest hitters on the team and can’t do anything else otherwise! ARRGGGH!
Sure, I get my lucky breaks, good charisma rolls and what not.

This is actually one of my favorites so I documented it. Was trying to get a deal in a shop and was asked by the shop keeper to tell him a story… at that current time no one was using microphones due to… reasons I have forgot. So I had to write this all out, didn’t even need to but for some reason did and ended up pulling this over 400 word story out of my arse!

Enjoy! XD