I dont have bad taste in music, i have guilty pleasures.
MainlyFallout Boy and Foster the People.
I know i shouldnt like it but I just do
I have a bad taste in music.
I mean, how can you taste music? If you could, it obviously would taste bad.
Let us not forget the elusive “blues metal”…lol
Top five bands?
Jimi Hendrix Experience
Led Zeppelin
Alice in Chains
Ah, yes.
Led Zeppelin
Deep Purple
Iron Maiden
Def Leppard
The Doors
Top 6 as I can’t decide on the 5th one lol.
Nice. I don’t really listen to Def Leppard or Iron Maiden but the rest of those are good. We can now be friends =P
IMO There really is no such thing as a bad or good taste in music, sense everybody has their own individual tastes and personalities, and how much you and others enjoy something. You can either be in the minority option, or the more common, majority opinion about something, hence people sawing that there IS a good and bad taste, and this can go for other art too.
listens to song about Tirek
Nope I have a great taste in music!
Do I have a bad taste in music?
Probably, though I myself am unaware of it because I’m oblivious to the majority of things considered good and bad no matter how much info I may gather and will never be able to describe my styles or myself.
I think that the people on the Skillet topic have a bad taste.
Your not the first…
I like emotional ish stuff, and that isn’t real popular among my friend group. However, I think it is them who have the bad taste in music. I really don’t like rap.
I don’t eaither, yet it seems to be all my friends listen too.
My music taste just straight up sucks
I’ll just let you know
Honestly I’m not really sure because no one knows what music I listen to. I always wear headphones and divert and dodge inquiries, because for some reason music feels super private to me. Obviously I think I have good taste, but taste is subjective so I dunno really.
Honestly if you don’t have a taste of music like mine than you have a terrible taste is music /s
In reality, the only people who I think have a horrible taste in music are my friends and some twelve year olds I know who think Drake is better than The Beatles.
or the ones who think Kanye West is better than Led Zeppelin.
They need to be checked.
Or just sent straight to Arkham.
I’ve been told that i have bad taste at music because i listen to Sonic Mayhem or Nine Inch Nails.
Then i realize they hear to Reggaeton.
And i laugh.
And punch them right in the nose.