Does anyone have Bionicle comics people want to share?

This topic will go to the people who have anyone bionicle comics or comics. I have all 2001-2003, some 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008. Thats all I have you guys and feel free to post on which Bionicle comics you have thx : )


I don’t hvae any : (

On eBay there pretty cheap!

I thought you meant comics made by fans. If you don’t mean that, I have a ton from 2007-2010.

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own all of the graphic novels except Fall of Atero, but I don’t know who I’d share them.

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I’m assuming you want them to collect. But if you want them to read them all you can read a summary of every comic on Bionicle wiki

Well, that’s no fun. I want to read the actual thing, not some summary!


Lol I understand

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I think most of the comics can be found here:



Even so, I want to own them. What if the internet goes down and I want to read them?


Fixed the title typo for ya’. :wink:

Can’t you get to them online?

Also here

And neither of them have the four Christian Zanier comics. Does anyone know where to find those?

Aw, cool!

I never got any of the old comics, nice to see this.

Do they have the books?

To listen to Tale of the Toa, the first book [click here][1]
To listen to Beware of the Bohrok, the second book [click here][2]
To listen to Makuta’s Revenge, the third book (Barely at chapter 1) [click here][3]


If you don’t mind reading from pictures of pages, this site has a lot of the books.


Dat GIF of Nuju…

Cool, thanks.

@Booster_Gold I’ve seen those, but I was unaware that book 3 was up, so thanks!

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