While I do plan to eventually go back and listen to TTV’s older podcasts, until I have sufficient time to do so, I wanted a quick briefer, of sorts, on the inside jokes. I’ve seen phrases such as “Bound By The Mundane” and “Jump Up The Yell” as well as mentions of Time-Traveling Muaka and Applego. I guess I was wondering if anyone could provide an explanation so I’m not completely lost, or at least link me to the episodes/moments where these things originated from?
This is a recent thing from the message boards. I believe it was a conversation between @Nyran and @TeslaEffect, where Tesla had said something to the effect of “You are bound by the mundane.” and we all thought that was so hilarious that we made it a thing. (I am dripping with sarcasm when I say 'We" and “Hilarious”…)
Applego can be demonstrated in this here clip:
As for the rest… I don’t really know.
So Makutafest 2014, someone made a bad Eljay fanfiction as a joke.
And one of the lines was something along the meaning of Eljay having becoema Toa and jumping excitedly. Or in this case, he quote “jumped up the yell”
It’s on BZP somewhere, the fanfiction
Watch MNOG with Meso.
I was gonna ask these exact questions (except for applego and time traveling Muaka)
All of these I had understood, except for ‘Bound by the Mundane.’
Now, what is the case with Eljay and Alena?
WHAT IS THIS. I have never heard anything about it from anywhere, I just see “Post your EljayxAlena fanfictions here!” And I’m like, ‘wat.’
Explain. So that I can be at peace with myself and forget the entire thing. I can’t forget it until I fully understand it.
So there was this girl on the podcast a while back
her name was Alena
the rest of the cast (and Alena) shipped the two as a couple
for various reasons, Alena left/got kicked out of the podcast
but then Alena visited Eljay’s house for a few days
and the shipping community here went wild
the end
Alena was the one that spoke very quietly, right?
Yeah, she was very quiet on the podcast.
Why did she leave/get kicked off the podcast though?
That’s a question only TTV can give an answer to. I thought it was discussed on the Q/A topic, but I just checked and didn’t see it. Soooooooooooooo… (shrug)
Here’s another one: #LegDay
well I know that one from this honest trailer
But at least I know where #Legday is from, even if I literally cannot get the joke yet.
you haven’t seen Cap 2 yet? (suffice to say, it’s really good)
Not for lack of effort. I’ll probably get around to it this summer…
I haven’t seen it yet either (I’m really bad at watching movies around the time they came out, or even months later)
Would anyone here care to explain “Yee” to me?
Please no.