Don't Hug Me. I'm Scared

All that I can say for certain is that it is indeed a happy ending. Roy is no longer controlling the computer, and the trio are free and can express themselves; being in their 3 favourite colours they mentioned in DHMIS 1

<img src=“/uploads/db5640/original/3X/1/0/105cd59a3e54fce2a92fb66d4097fbbccbb4337e.PNG” width=“292” height=“145”

even the Sketchbook looks happier!

Here’s a really good explanation of the whole thing


I love this series. My personal theory is that it’s talking about how the media and other things alter children’s minds (for the worse) and tell them what to think. I just believe it.
My favorites are 1, 2, 4, and, dare I say it, 6.
I am not a fan of 3 or 5.
However, I did like how it all felt final and complete at the end.


Is it just me or does the lamp look (and sound)…intoxicated?

I actually enjoy 3 and 5 a lot, although 4 is probably my favourite.
2 is the least memorable for me though.
I heard the series is gonna continue, anyone have confirmation on that?

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I doubt it. I think this was fully intended to be the end. They even released it on June 19.

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MattPat finally attempts to decode the enigma!

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So I watched it. It was interesting that’s for sure. Not sure I’d rewatch it though. At first I thought it would be just some weird crap on YouTube, but it turned out to actually have a purpose and be interesting.


What…what did I just watch?


In its purest form

I heard about this series and decided to watch it.

Honestly… I found it more absolutely hilarious than scary. Maybe because the gore and stuff contrasts with the fact that it’s set like a children’s show, I still find it pretty hilarious.

I dunno, maybe it’s because I found it super ridiculous. Either way, good series.


Gosh dang it I hate this series.

But it is actually really good, and the sixth episode really made me have feels, in a strange way.


Make up your mind :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just watched Film Theory’s ‘Secret Lore’ video, and I’ve adopted it as head canon.

I watched this around the time episode 6 came out…

It was weird, to be sure.

I saw that this had surfaced, and was half-hoping that more episodes had been announced. Not sure whether to be disappointed or happy that that isn’t the case…

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this series. I discovered it via MatPat’s theory on it, and I really like the concepts he proposes for it. The episodes themselves are this mix of weird, creepy, and maybe a bit scary. Yet, I still enjoy them. What can you do?

Oh yeah.


It just took the Film Theory to spoop me silly to the point I couldn’t be alone for more than five seconds without being scared.

This series isn’t scary though. It’s hilarious.

Each video is funny for the first few minutes and then they go all out scary

Nah. I find them in their entirety hilarious.

I love how this series make you actively start looking for the twist. You know it’s coming, but you don’t know when.

And then the twist happens. And it takes you by the ear. And throws you down the rabbit-hole of surrealism.

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