Ekimu the Angel - updated

They are from Tarix, the blue and gold Glatorian.

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Edited the guy, taking almost all comments into account. Hope you like him more now : )

Just a flesh wound

But seriously, this looks pretty cool, though I agree, the legs look a bit short, and the torso needs some tidying up. Otherwise, nice work.

So much gold

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I mean, heā€™s coveredā€¦
Once the larger ekimu comes out, Iā€™ll probably make an updated version of this guy with the powered up mask, and more trans blue. So less gold.

Much, MUCH better!

Took away most of my complaints.

Actually, the legs are still a bit stubby, but itā€™s only really prominent in person. Iā€™ve updated him, and made some small changes, and havenā€™t uploaded them yet.

Thank you, though.

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Raising the hip joints on the torso may help a little with that.

Thatā€™s the highest they go. The attachments for the brutaka piece see to that.
What Iā€™m planning to do is make the legs completely custom, and in proportion to the body. But thatā€™s gonna happen after the new Ekimu comes out, and I make a charged up version of this guy.

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I guess he stopped skipping leg day.

He looks really gud now, but his torso is a little bit long for the length of his arms and legs.

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I understand. As I said above, I already extended his legs (just didnā€™t upload a picture), and I plan to make them completely custom when I re-make him. The armsā€¦ sure why not. Iā€™ll customize them as well. And when I say customize, I also mean just make them more proportionate. So thanks!

Any feelings on the hammer? Should I keep it, change it back, make a new hammer, give him a vape as a weaponā€¦ ?

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I really like the hammer for some reason. It just looks nice.

definitely needs a vape tho

I think the legs and arms both look fine, they donā€™t really need to be custom. One thing I forgot to mention, though. His feet look out of place, because theyā€™re the only light blue pieces on him. Maybe they should be gold also?

I totally pardon you missing it, as its kinda just wedged in there, but in my main edit I explain why the feet are what they are. Unless I make custom feet as well, Iā€™m screwed in that regard.

Ah, I see. I did miss that. Oh well, then. They donā€™t look bad, just a bit out of place.

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