Eljay's AMA

Would you recommend getting Cyberhand’s Mask of Ultimate Power now, or should I wait until its at near 100% perfection? (Rollout reviews claims that its at about 99% perfection)
2. Is there a topic for “Let’s Build Makuta the Mask Hoarder”? (I’m too lazy to do a search)


I could… But that is a lot of work, so I won’t be doing that right now.


  1. Eljay.
  2. To eat fresh mangosteen.
  4. I think so, although I don’t recall the name of it. It had the fat guy who blew up.

I try to watch the series by SuddenlyOranges, however I keep on forgetting. It is really good.

  1. As far as I’m aware, he said it’s as good as it is gonna get. I’d recommend it.
  2. You make me very angry about this generation. Get it yourself.

Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life

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But I’m most likely from the same generation as you!

  1. Do you like canned mangosteen?
  2. Would you eat mangosteen, regardless of what condition its in, asm long as its fresh? For example, would you eat deep fried mangosteen?
  3. Will you be doing a review of the JTO Makuta, presumably once you build it, or do you not review combiners?
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You aren’t. I can absolutely, 100% guarantee that you aren’t.

  1. Yes.
  2. More than likely.
  3. I’ve already said several times that I will be doing so.

How excited are you for the next Digimon tri episodes which come out in a few days.

  1. Will you be reviewing Makuta, the Mask hoarder, should someone come up with official instructions?
  2. Do you lift?
  3. Did you enjoy watching Bionicle: The Legend Reborn?
  4. Do you own any Hero Factory sets, and if so, will you be reviewing them?
  5. Who’s your favorite member of the TTV cast? (Yes, you can say yourself)
  6. How about your least favorite?
  7. Do you like broccoli?
  8. Since you claim to wear your mask 24/7, does it do any of the following? And if so, which ones?: A) Hinder eating, B) cause you to have difficulty breathing, C) Prevent the unworthy from gazing upon your hideo- I mean, glorious face (This one’s pretty obvious),
  9. Can you describe the taste of Mangosteen? I seem to have difficulty with finding it in my state.

Do you own a Infected Hau Nuva?

Which is your favorite of the Toa Hagah?

Favorite Barraki?

Least Favorite Barraki?

What is the most pointless, regrettable, stupid thing you have ever bought? (both Lego and non-Lego)

Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life is my favorite Python film, and the scene with the fat guy exploding (Mr. Creosote) is my second-favorite scene from it (the first being the wonderful “Organ donor” scene).

So, on a scale of yes to 6, how tasty does the color pumpkin smell?

Eljay would you try this?

They want Voice acting submissions with the possibility of being in a game. Nothing is promised but I guess it is a shot.

Incredibly excited. My favorite Digimon getting a power-up that I’ve wanted to see animated ever since I found out about it. I am so pumped.

  1. No.
  2. No.
  3. Yes.
  4. I do, but I will not be reviewing them.
  5. Meso or Var.
  6. Purple.
  7. Yes.
  8. All of the above.
  9. The outside is like sour cardboard, the inside is smooth and sweet.
  1. Nope.
  2. Iruni.
  3. Ehlek.
  4. Kalmah.
  5. I’m not entirely sure.

Heck yes, and I absolutely will be.


Will you review the 3D printed MoUP.

What is the square root of .5?

Did you know that Bolthouse Farms makes a drink with mangosteen in it? If so, have you tried it?

It will be in my Makuta review, but I won’t review it separately.

No idea.

I don’t recognize the name, but it is possible.

If I come across a Mangosteen, do you recommend that I eat it?

I am also curious about this?

Yes, I do recommend you eat it. But only the inside.

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Question: Next livestream… Today, later this Saturday, or this Sunday?

And what would people like: Overwatch 1v1s, Halo 1v1s (PC or Xbox?), webcam, or something else?


Please Saturday

That is a tough call