Eljay's AMA

  1. “Eljay” isn’t your first name?!
  2. is your new show going to be “Eljay’s Combiner Reviews” or something involving reviewing stuff?

I have never played any of the Bioshock games.

  1. No.
  2. No.

Hey @Eljay do like to see story about a girl in G1 Lewa’s Colors?

Not quite sure I follow what you’re asking.

Don’t worry. He butchers his sentences on purpose…

Well I asked if you read my 20th story of my series, which featured a character with your favorite color and last name.

Then ask properly outright. If I’m not mistaken, we do have a rule regarding doing everything in your power to speak readable English. I haven’t read the story, and I’m not exactly interested. Sorry.


Did your name come from the letters “LJ” or did you use them because they mimic the sounds of your name?

The former. My actual name sounds nothing like Eljay.


I should have clarified I was trying to ask if the “Eljay” name came from those letters.

Ah, yes. Eljay is derived from LJ.

How you ever thought about wearing more than just the Miru? Maybe having a plastic green axe or a balljoint taped to your chest?


I may have asked this before but I think that I butchered it. Could Beckett ever come back to guest on the Podcast or Brickfeed?

Will there be a New Year’s roast this year or anytime in the future?

Or what about just a full body Lewa mata cosplay?

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Have you traveled around the country much? You come off as quite patriotic, and I was wondering if you had visited any of the National Parks or National Monuments.

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At one point I had, but it wasn’t for very long. I’m content with just the Miru.

  1. She will not, as we no longer live in the same city.
  2. Not one that I’m aware of.

I’ve done a bit. I’ve only been to one National Park, in Colorado, but I love seeing major landmarks. I was super excited to see DC, and I was given the chance to tour the White House. All very interesting things to see and do, and I’m looking forward to seeing more things in DC with more time next year.


What would your reaction be to a bunch of Kopaka dudes coming up to you at brickfair and doing the west side story snapping thing?


I’d know I’d have no Lewa backup, and stand behind the table like a chicken.


Aren’t these Bob Schneider?


Who is this “Bob Schneider”? Is he a ridiculed community member or a fictional character that you created? I’ve never understood this.

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