Eljay's AMA

eljay do you like batman

Maybe add some more yellow/keetorange to Lewa. And fix Pohatu by taking the dark tan out.

He’s pretty… cool.

And VNOG since I haven’t played Fallout 4.

Pretty neat.

  1. I don’t very much anymore, and I don’t post any at the moment.
  2. It’s not out yet. :wink:

Pretty good considering I’m on the podcast. =P

He’s alright, and I was more of a fan when I was younger, but not much anymore.


is that a pun?


Hey Eljay, what’s your favorite story arc in BIONICLE overall? Mata Nui, the Flashback Years, the Ignition Trilogy, or the Bara/Spherus Magna Years?

I typed that wrong. 2nd, Favorite ttv show. My bad. 2nd was to say it was the second question.


The Golden Years. 2001 to 2003, which I consider an arc. The runner up would be the Ignition Trilogy.


Hearing those words gave me a burst of nostalgia.

What animal do you wish a creature was modeled after. For example maybe you wanted a creature based off a tiger or something.

Which Bionicle year is most worth getting every set for a collection?
What is the longest period of time you ever weared your miru? unless you don’t want to reveal your age


Anything so long as it isn’t a cat.

But really, I think a snake would be cool if done right.

  1. I’d personally suggest 2001. It’s not the easiest year to collect, but it speaks brilliantly to how Bionicle started. Bright, colorful, and full of variety.
  2. I don’t quite understand the question. Like, years? Or hours?
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Whichever one better answers the question the part in spoilers was making a joke that you were born with the miru on

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I think he means straight without taking it off
what’s your dream job

Can I eat these Pieces?


What is your ranking of the air Toa other than Lewa?

Longest I’ve worn it would be about 4 hours. That time is gonna be longer because of BrickFair in August.

Voice acting. I am current;y working on becoming a professional voice actor now, and being a part of the channel has helped greatly in me working toward that goal.


Lewa → Matau → everyone else.


I don’t know if anyone asked this question, but I have some of them:

  1. Where would you live (outside the US), and why?
  2. Which language do you consider the hardest?
  3. Have you seen Deadpool, if yes, how would you rate it, and if no, would you watch it?
  4. Why are you one of the best cast members aside Var, Meso, Kahi, Ven and Viper?
  5. Who do you look up to?
    and finally: 6. Which was your favourite subject either in elementary or highschool?

Eljay won’t even let me eat candy blox.


######dont risk it.

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Eljay, what do you think of the new Civil War Spider-Man costume?


Would you rather have blue pins produced in every color, or red pins produced in every color.

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What kind of stories do you enjoy (Noir, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction) and why?