The original show is good but the ending is strange. Even the the the movie ending is well better because you actually have a story instead of some mind bending therapy session. But the movie ending is depression as all hell. However the recent movie ending is actually good and has a good ending. Can’t say really like the new movies over the original show but I definitely like ending of the new movies. It just leaves you with a better feeling and ties up a lot of things that was just left unresolved in the original movie end/ show. Hope you understand my ramblings
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I understand what you mean. I’ve heard good things about EoE and some of the Rebuild films, and can definitely see the draw to them. Imo I don’t think the show on its own is completely bad, and I don’t even want to call it “overrated” because that just be a cheap critique imo. That being said I feel like the themes covered are arguably deleted in other series but in a way that doesn’t make your head want to spin off your body. On the other hand though, I have only seen this once and opinions do change especially with these kinds of stuff so who knows, maybe I will think differently in the future.