(I might be insane. I could probably tell them apart from five miles away.)
Do these even count?
(scroll the page down)
Those mask make them look kinda like the Voodoo Heads
Is that brown set Photoshopped into the girl’s hand? Seriously?
Applies leak-sleut kills…
Notice it says “new in August” Could be the sixth set we’re supposedly seeing later this year.
But. What TRULY makes this is a little detail: the way the sword is attached to the left hand (Makuta is left-handed confirmed?) In many official CGI of BIONICLE/HF sets, the axle hole in the Glatorian hand piece is crooked. True to form, the sword is crooked.
This is a detail not many people notice.
Neither does Makuta .
Seriously, a flaming head mask piece or something would be cool. Especially if it had no face.
Can you post a picture of an example? I don’t really know what you’re trying to say.
Sure, mate.
Here’s an old-style hand example.
It’s less common on the new-style hands, but it still happens.
(The fact that I got two characters with tridents is an interesting coincidence)
Notice that the axle on Kiina’s trident is at a 45o angle, and Gali’s is at about a 25o-30o angle.
Also, as far as I can tell, this only happens to hands with something in them.
It’s a common issue (in one of the 09 comic centerfold ads it affects all six sets) It’s less common on the new CCBS hands, but it still happens, often enough that either this is real, or someone went to a lot of trouble to get a very small detail most people miss anyway.
Oh, I see what happens. Shifting the way a weaonn can really be held to make it look more appealing.
could you remove the auto-correct filter on this?
Yeah I just did. Some stuff has been noting on with my keyboard lately and I don’t know what. It’s a mystery.
Can anyone explain what the Nekhir leaks are?
Guy going by Nekchir on Eurobricks led a bunch of people on saying he had seen the winter 2016 wave and described them in a fair amount of detail. Lots of people believed him only for the whole thing to turn out to be a sham.
Thanks @Pereki
Do you have a link to the EB Topic?
It starts around here in the main 2016 thread.
Eventually it bled onto these boards and created the situation that lead to real leaks getting banned.
Yeah, I remember that. Whether it was false premonition or something Nekchir actually did have somethings right, as well.
Believe or not the “playtest anon” on 4chan actually got the new SW armor right. He even drew it before the first pics came despite later confessing that he just made it all up.
Huh. That’s odd. Does he know he predicted it?
This actually is not true. These were drawn immediately after we saw photos of the new armor pieces.
Oh. So he’s an even bigger liar then.