Famine (V1)

hehheh bloodborne weapon xD

I think it works well.

exactly! XD

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Thunder Thighs!!!


Huh. Not at all what I was expecting when I saw the title =P Interesting techniques used here and the use of that planet as a torso was rather genius. My biggest complaint is those Obiwan torso pieces in the back of the thighs and then I feel like there’s too much going on with the Dark orange, Metru brown and Mata brown (I think the feet are Avak Brown?). I’d recommend dropping the Mata brown, but that’s just my two cents XD

Good work.


This just looks really cool and creative. Love the use of the planet as the stomach.

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I’m noticing a trend.

All or almost all of your MOCs are female

I salute thee for this.

How the frick frack snick snack did you manage to build a full body around the planet piece like that’s amazing wth


I have decided that she also uses wheel for transportation.

Rolling around at the speed of sound, in an awkward forward leaping handstand type thing…


he he… yeaaaaaah :smile:
I do have male characters, I promise. just for some reason I have way more fun mocing the female shape than anything. I am working on a male moc currently though, to try and shake that up because lately here has been a lot of girls :blush:

I plan on making a how-to video at some point, but basically it involves a lot of strange connections and using the studs on the top and bottom of the planet


I really like your MoCs! They are all so feminine and they all look so great! I also love the use of the Star Wars constraction pieces such as the Obi Wan torsos!

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Very unique, I’ve never seen anybody do this before. :stuck_out_tongue:

######SW Planets is better than SW Microfighters.


She certainly won’t be going hungry during a famine :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s extremely unique. How did you even think of using the SW planet as a body…?

That said, I think the master pohatu mask would look better on the head, if only because the silver conflicts with everything else.


I’m not sure if you understand how hunger works…

When you have nothing to eat, you are hungry, I phrased that poorly.

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Now I’m just confused…

Well, what I should’ve said was that she would survive a famine. Instead I’m sowing confusion.

Spot on.

I might just be not smart or something…

Or I might be terrible at conveying thoughts :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s actually pretty common seeing people say that fat people won’t be hungry or something.

But then you have to wonder how the got fat…