Famine (V1)

It’s extremely unique. How did you even think of using the SW planet as a body…?

That said, I think the master pohatu mask would look better on the head, if only because the silver conflicts with everything else.


I’m not sure if you understand how hunger works…

When you have nothing to eat, you are hungry, I phrased that poorly.

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Now I’m just confused…

Well, what I should’ve said was that she would survive a famine. Instead I’m sowing confusion.

Spot on.

I might just be not smart or something…

Or I might be terrible at conveying thoughts :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s actually pretty common seeing people say that fat people won’t be hungry or something.

But then you have to wonder how the got fat…

I’m not sure if you understand how irony works :laughing:


In context, “The nail was very irony.”

403! I must chant to appease it!

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I’m not sure if I understand how anything does anything…

Nice moc. Never really seen any really fat, female Bionicles.

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He’s actually got it pretty well on, When your body is depraved of food, it begins to consume fat deposits

But that doesn’t mean your not hungry. Right?

Hmm, never having been in that situation I couldn’t say.
Anyway, this is an excellent use of that planet piece, the overall quality of your Mocs makes me want to hide mine from the world.


He? XD *awkward coughing

Anyway I don’t exactly know the specifics of hunger, the concept was just to be entirely ironic that a fat moc would be based on famine of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Although i do know that people will bloat when put under extreme starvation? So maybe you could argue it’s that too, but it doesnt really fit imo. [quote=“Winterstorm345, post:35, topic:28330”]
Anyway, this is an excellent use of that planet piece,

thaaaanks :blush:

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Oh lol, I was referring to @Leoxandar

Ok LOL. Was a little confusing who you were referring to. :laughing:

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this reminds me of one of the endbringers from the web serial “worm.” any connection?

I have no idea what that even is XD

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