I really liked Piraka Attack. It was probably the one I played the most at the time it was released (granted my computer ran it at like 1/3 speed :P) and I thought it was well put together for an online game. The Mahri games were pretty cool too.
I think most people would probably say MNOG, MNOGII, and/or VNOG. I loved those games above all too, so I’ll tell you my next favorite. I’d probably have to go with Piraka Attack or Battle for Power (Battle for Power was epic just cuz it had Gravity Hurts music playing in it xD).
I think I enjoyed the games from 2008 onward the most. So, stuff like the Battle for Power games (though the Mistika one was a lot more lacking than the Phantoka imo), Glatorian Arena 1 & 2 (Yes, I went out of my way to beat both of them, and Spikeball seriously is easy to win in) and Agori Defender.