It’s pretty easy to ask about your current favorite Lego sets. But which ones did you like the most when you were younger? Post your favorite childhood sets and what you liked about them in this topic!
My personal picks would be these:
The Technic pullbacks are a ton of fun, I still rank them among my favorites. The quad was my first set with suspension, a working piston engine and a chain on top of just looking awesome. The backhoe has nice functions and is great for digging around in a pile of bricks.
The fire boat carrier looks cool and was among my very first Lego sets ever. I loved how the boat actually floats! The cat is plain adorable and has a really expressive face, and the mini emerald express was an easy winner because I was really into trains.
Lastly, I was a big fan of Cars and these sets were right up my alley. I enjoyed making all kinds of abominable mashup characters and creatures with their special parts and it was nice how they were the right size to work with my other diecast cars.
Beyond all these sets, my favorite was just the big old tub of bricks for making my own stuff.
Now, which sets were your favorites?