So, here’s what I’m looking at as a final product after about 3 days of working…
(Down below I will list my build process as well so you can see what I came from and maybe make it yourself if you like it)
So, that’s that! Now, here’s my pics from night one of work:
Obviously, it’s much more bare bones. I really just have a basic skeleton and head set up here. I used a black Piraka upper torso and Mantax’s curved connector thingy (don’t know the piece number) vertically along with a Vahki leg connecter for it, as well as the torso that came with the 2010 Skrall set as a sort of backpack to attack additional limbs to.
Night 2:
This night I worked much more on giving the set some considerable beef as well as further adding to the custom torso. I also swapped out the eye colors as I favored the cool blue with the silver as I felt orange clashed a bit much. I also added the chains to the lower arms as well as the upper two ‘main’ arms.
Finally, night three is the above final product, where I added decorative wings, the final torso details (like the piping and back armor), bulked up the legs and arms (especially the lower arms) further, and gave his main hands weapons. The figure, now completed, has a standard 3 points of articulation in each limb as well as a posable head and neck. So… what do you guys all think? Thanks for viewing!