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You remember that Halmos exists, right?

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Yes, how could I forget?

I love how my Vahki is the only one offering any sort of plan and no-ones come up with an alternative. I mean, I know a machine can calculate plans faster but seriously.

The thing is the matoran donā€™t know really know whatā€™s happening.

I know, I was just expecting more resistance to the plan.

I mean what else would they do?

I mean I (Vergil) do have a plan.
Granted the plan is ā€œgo find the missing person and hide inside a building until the spiders passā€, but the Feeding Center is a bit closer to us than Ko-Metru.

If we ride out the spider-run in there, we could probably head to the hive afterward. Maybe find staffs there even.


Pakiki has wanted to leave from early on, but didnā€™t want to leave alone.

Hold on what is happening what was that about a pink atheist

Check Keiththelegokidā€™s new charecter.

Oh edits made for the weapons TLR.

Umā€¦ I uhā€¦ didnā€™t actually expect anyone to follow meā€¦

Crap, now Iā€™ve got to come up with an actual plan to get thereā€¦

Character is approved, for now.

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How should I enter?

By waking up and getting out of the pod. There are still some folks in the lighthouse.


Question: How far is the feeding center from the lighthouse. How long would it take to travel between the two locations?

Not too far, probably only a couple minutes to fifteen depending on how fast you move.

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Question little bit confused on where everyones going, so this is what I think is going on: a small group of us is going to ko Metru with the Vahki a few others are going to the feeding center and the rest are still at the light house is that correct?

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Yes. Some people are going with the Vahki to Ko-Metru, and some are in the feeding center. Most of the Matoran are still in the lighthouse.

Which people going with the Vahki? and whoā€™s else where?

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