I like it it looks better then the set
Love your art, I follow you on tumblr (I go by vezonstwistedmind on there) especially this one and your Gorillaz Demon Days artwork, your art is amazing. Keep up the awesome work.
Really love the style, though her thighs are a little robust compared to the rest of her body. Otherwise, the mask and armor looks great (especially the collar, as it’s rather unique among Toa designs). I really like the blaster design, too.
i’ve never really paid much attention to gali mistika, but since you tend to make your drawings better than the actual sets, i’m going to request you apply to lego as a product designer if i haven’t already before O_O.
I feel like the gun could resemble the set more.
something about the upper torso kinda bothers me
Like this section right here:
it makes the neck look weird
Otherwise this is a gr8 art
I think its a good set
I dont think its a good gali
funny you say that, a good friend of mine is a designer at lego.
This is a very good interpretation to the set. I think if the original set weren’t an Inika build that it wouldn’t be too far off from this. I personally never hated the so-called “Mistakea,” but I understand their flaws. Subjectively, the only thing I didn’t like was that their masks (minus Onua’s) were kinda awkward, and Onua as a set didn’t fit Onua’s character, though it was a solid set (one of the few that properly utilized silver in the main color scheme). This illustration is more true to Gali than the set, and it only makes me like the original set more. Your artwork is, as usual, breathtaking. Great job!
So I’m not the only one that likes the set.
Nice art by the way.
Thighs seem weirdly fat compared to the rest of the body, but everything else is great.
I think I might try to build this…
Phone number needed.
Dang, this looks awesome! I’m getting very Halo Spartan-esque vibes.
The helmet’s shape remind’s me a lot of Halo 4’s Deadeye helm.
Her gun is kinda un-BIONICLE-looking to me, but it looks so great! Really reminds me of something Promethean (Halo again). Maybe a Scattershot?
I thought it looked familiar-ish, but I didn’t make this link…
I think the Mistika in particular get too much flak.
Nice representation here.
Well, they were nicknamed the “Mistakea,” which is unfair, because for the most part they were good sets. Tahu and Gali had somewhat weird masks, and Gali having just a Nynrah Ghost Blaster with a sight was underwhelming, but they were good sets (though maybe Onua didn’t look in character, oh well).
I agree Tahu was kind of okay, but I to me it always looked like someone switched Gali and Onua’s builds around. Onua was pretty darn tall in his Mistika form (taller than Tahu) while Gali got the wide, hunchbacked look. I feel like they would have looked a lot more consistent with their previous versions if that had been switched around, or perhaps even if Tahu got Onua’s build (Tahu being the tall, regal leader and all), Gali got Tahu’s (sleek and fast) and Onua got Gali’s (wide, strong, hunchbacked).
tfw all you get is “looks like” comments when you really only get inspired by other artists
It just means you’re popular.
You aren’t