Not quite. It was Boxor.
The Barraki
Local city politician decided to become a demon
Not quite. It was Boxor.
The Barraki
Local city politician decided to become a demon
Turaga Dume?
Yellow bug man
Stiff knees no more
Sounds like the Rahkshi?
Basically Solek
Stars Takanuva
Spider-Axonn, Spider-Axonn, does whatever a spider… con?
Piraka Outpost (playset)
edgy blue child
Maybe Vezok.
Hail Denmark
Good guy 06
No hands
Not quite. It was Dalu.
Good Guy 08 (or a devious ploy for one of the rahi)
skelly bonk
Skull Warrior
Grand theft speeder
Hmmm… I’ll say Thornatus or Kaxium. Maybe the Jetrax bike? I’m not sure.
Spiky vine person
A gas mask giant
He has a breathing apparatus.
Upgraded evil worm