Game: Tell An Outrageous Lie About The User Above You

@Spiderus_Prime is @WinterQueen’s brother.

@Kopeke_Nuva is xeno sympathiser

@Deathworks235 is the world’s biggest brony

@Winterstorm345 is a tua lover.

@Deathworks235 can spell Tau

Hates melee

@Deathworks235 thinks you can have enough dakka

@Winterstorm345 is said to be the reason why G2 ended

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@Whaddon did not just strike a low blow.

@Xevins knows that I just did right then

@Whaddon hacked to get Master

@ltranc is a Redpins Dupe account!

@Sammythekat has no interest in transformers, or anime

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@Winterstorm345 is not a scrub

@Deathworks235 is a whale

@Itranc is a Shark.

@Spiderus_Prime knew that the first letter in my name is an L but decided to put I for the lolz

@ltranc knew that we all read it as an I, not an L

@Sammythekat fails to know about I to l.

@Spiderus_Prime is a spider