Game: Tell An Outrageous Lie About The User Above You

@Enbeanie has discovered the ultimate flavour experience. (It involves chick peas and a lot of battery acid)


@Alucia never had a Deviant-Art account

@senit does not like gossip

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You found my deviant-Art account? :laughing:

@Enbeanie can jump 15 feet into the air.

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@Alucia Deviant-Art account isnā€™t the first thing I found when searching for their name trying to find the Bzp account.

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@Alucus Deviant-Art account isnā€™t the first thing I found when searching for their name trying to find the Bzp account.
BZP account
@Senit isnā€™t being kinda sus by looking me up.

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@Alucia is actually a time travelling fugitive from the year 2322 who fled to the present day to escape justice for their roll in instigating World War Five.


@Brickbot99 Knows too muchā€¦again :grimacing:


@Alucia is not a bug.

@Senit isnā€™t mistakenly for @Ghid.

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@Spiderus_Prime is @Senit

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@Rukah flyes through the sky on a purple tambarine.

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@Alucia tunnels through the earth in a yellow clarinet.

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@Brickbot99 spins through space on a broken lime green joint peice.

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@Alucia is friends with a broken lime joint who has told him his lifeā€™s story

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@Rukah is marred to a cow.

@Spiderus_Prime is that cow.

@Alucia milks that cow.

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@Takutanuva Drinks the Prime milk to gain immortality.

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@Alucia has a big jar of prime milk in his basement