Game: Tell An Outrageous Lie About The User Above You

@Enbeanie is very mean

@Cordax is Heyzorks’ uncle.

@Rukah teaches cha-cha slide dance classes


@cordax has a pfp that I completely understand

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@Ghid is a weeb

@redstripepakari387 just made up their really long name to compensate for their many weaknesses.


@Rukah likes to eat kanoka.

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@redstripepakari387 is just an excuse for me to revive this topic and for me to tell the same joke twice.

@rukah can let topics die


@Enbeanie eats lego sets instead of putting them together.

@Rukah has a real Umarak

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The guy above me has an image of the golden-skinned being , as well as instructions for that beings-cursed thing.
(To make:Roodaka,Krekka,Takadox,Kalmah,Pridak,Hakann,Vezok,Rediak,Avak,Thok, and Zaktan.) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

@kanohimagine is made out of bootleg bionicle parts.

@Rukah has a counterfeit platinum mask

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@kanohimagine has no imagination

@Enbeanie is actually a krataa

@kanohimagine is actually an agori helmet.

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@Krelikan is not actually a Vahki.

@Rukah has a life.
(you undead monstrosity)

@kanohimagine is a tree who has access to the internet.