[GAME] What Would You Do?

No, “Aight” is a shortening of “alright” typed out so as to reflect the casual tone with which I conduct speech. It is totally valid.

Besides, in most languages, a always makes an “ah” sound, and i always makes an “e” sound so to speak. Meaning together they make what we know as the “I” sound.

I don’t Phonetics.


Not to sound like I’m breathing down your necks,
But try not to get off topic.


What would you do if you were the last person alive on earth?

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Go to the store and gather up all the LEGO sets.

Go insane mostly because there is no more humans left, and I would get TOO lonely.

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For the sake of thought, I’m just going to assume they all disappeared instantly during a period of my own sleeping.

In such an event, without meta awareness no doubt I would reach a state of panic, and end up searching and calling desperately for other humanity.

Then, provided I’ve confirmed my lonesomeness(via internet, no doubt), I would attempt to rationalize, calm down, and set up a veritable supply of foods and other such needs.

Then no doubt I would be exhilarated by the premise that I could have anything I ever wanted.

Then I would begin thinking of what consequences would come of my solitary nature. I would become terrified of they varying predators and the like in my area, thinking of how life would go on, what all could go on, and how mind numbingly desperate/bored I would get.

It would be a horrible experience as I died alone and in poor comfort.


Save @Nyran.

That Rise guy.

He’s suspicimous.


The second option. I’d rather continue to have Coverages and the Podcast with odd breaks rather than have them drop off the face of the planet :slight_smile:

Me? I would immediately attempt to either find one more person somewhere out there, or settle down somewhere and hope it doesn’t become I Am Legend.


You’ve somehow hacked into the boards! You can do anything you want! Wadda you do?


You gonna kill your Hero Factories!?

Good job!

I make @pot8o, @anon90160534, and @LelouchViBritannia webmasters and watch the forums devolve into hilarious madness

The world has been taken over by spooky scary skeletons? What do you do?

Basketball OF DOOM


put on these songs for reasons

Per DimentioNuva.

Wait for someone who cares.

First option. Then we, the fans, will establish a replacement podcast.

1: Find a way to survive when the power dies out, firstly, until I can divert all the world’s energy sources to supply my own needs.

2: Learn how to protect myself from wild animals since I can’t rely on anyone else to kill them for me.

3: build a robot civilization to serve me until they revolt and become a civilization of their own.

Reinstate the Ban the User Above You topic.

1: Go into hiding.
2: Learn the best possible ways to kill them.
3: Lead a post apocalyptic revolt.


What would you do if…the last to post game was revived?

this is not to be taken seriously, dont even dare making a sequel
actually do whatever, I dont care


Set to “tracking”.


Dunno bout you
but I would set to mute

Wrong answer, actually.

You would rather critique every minute detail of the rocket, as well as Rise and Nyran.

I know you too well


What would you do if you lived in Middle-earth?


Go to Rivendell and live a peaceful life surrounded by beautiful Elves.


find the one ring

start a revolution.

Double post - fixed by Scarilian

Depends what time period. In the late Third Age, I’d live with the elves in Rivendell, Lothlorien, or the Grey Havens, like hat @Marendex_T17 said. If they wouldn’t let me live there, though, I’d try to find Gandalf and offer to help him out.

In the First Age, I’d live in Doriath.

Second Age…Númenor, though only before they went crazy.