No, “Aight” is a shortening of “alright” typed out so as to reflect the casual tone with which I conduct speech. It is totally valid.
Besides, in most languages, a always makes an “ah” sound, and i always makes an “e” sound so to speak. Meaning together they make what we know as the “I” sound.
For the sake of thought, I’m just going to assume they all disappeared instantly during a period of my own sleeping.
In such an event, without meta awareness no doubt I would reach a state of panic, and end up searching and calling desperately for other humanity.
Then, provided I’ve confirmed my lonesomeness(via internet, no doubt), I would attempt to rationalize, calm down, and set up a veritable supply of foods and other such needs.
Then no doubt I would be exhilarated by the premise that I could have anything I ever wanted.
Then I would begin thinking of what consequences would come of my solitary nature. I would become terrified of they varying predators and the like in my area, thinking of how life would go on, what all could go on, and how mind numbingly desperate/bored I would get.
It would be a horrible experience as I died alone and in poor comfort.
Depends what time period. In the late Third Age, I’d live with the elves in Rivendell, Lothlorien, or the Grey Havens, like hat @Marendex_T17 said. If they wouldn’t let me live there, though, I’d try to find Gandalf and offer to help him out.
In the First Age, I’d live in Doriath.
Second Age…Númenor, though only before they went crazy.